Eating Disorders
Dr. Gellman specializes in treating Eating Disorders and Body Image Distortion. She has spent a significant portion of the last 25 years studying why and how Eating Disorders and Body Image Distortions have become as prevalent as they have in our society as well as most other western cultures.
She has seen young women and men and adults using their bodies as a primary mirror in expressing their identity, frustration, angel; ambitions, and insecurities as well as thoughts, aspirations, successes and feelings of despair; self-hate and defeat. She has developed a dynamic, interactive treatment approach to treating Eating Disorders, acting within a collaborative team approach. She has many years of experience treating eating disorders in older patients and those who develop eating disorders later in life.
Dr. Gellman has immersed herself in multiple programs of additional education and training including, if appropriate, bariatric surgery. She has lectured and taught utilizing various treatment approaches which include Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, and a Team Approach including Nutritionists and Psychiatrists.
Most often, patients with an Eating Disorder including Anorexia-Nervosa, Bulimia-Nervosa, or Binge Eating Disorder also suffer from excessive exercising, cutting, mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder or substance abuse disorders. Her strength lies in helping her patients learn to effectively regulate and effectively cope with their lives and help them all find a clearer and louder voice.