
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy?2022-08-08T18:44:12-07:00

In psychoanalysis, the answers to specific problems are viewed in the context of the whole person and are based on the insight that adult personalities are the result of many developmental stages. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is designed to help get in touch with your unconscious, your memories, feelings, and desires that are not readily available to your conscious mind. Treatment is conducted at least twice a week or more often. It is not viewed as a short-term therapy. Psychotherapy is less focused, usually shorter term, less frequent, dealing with specific problems.

How long will treatment take?2022-08-08T18:44:58-07:00

This is an individual experience that can only be answered once treatment has begun and what both patient and myself learn together. Many issues will be discovered and explored and each treatment will depend on when the patient feels as though they have adequately discovered the sources of their current dilemmas and how to make their lives better.

My spouse and I are getting divorced. I would like you to see my child, and will you become and advocate for both my child and myself?2022-08-08T18:45:33-07:00

My responsibility lies in being an advocate for your child only.

When you are treating a minor adolescent or teenager, do you involve the parents in the treatment?2022-08-08T19:06:05-07:00

My relationship with a child is confidential between the child and myself. I tell the minor at the onset of treatment, even though our relationship is confidential, I need to meet with the parents individually, possibly as a couple, or with the adolescent when I think it is in the child’s interest. The goal is to have a parent sensitive to the issues that their child is having to deal with.

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